‘Build for the Future’ Summit 2024

On January 18, the CCRC and the Department of Urban and Regional Planning co-hosted a summit with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which provided local developers, municipal leaders, non-profits, and more, with information about the ‘Build for the Future’ initiative and funding opportunities.

Build for the Future empowers local communities to undertake initiatives focused on climate resiliency, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and environmental justice. It achieves this by providing critical access to funding opportunities, offering guidance materials, and fostering peer-to-peer knowledge sharing. HUD’s website, linked at the button below, provides more information and resources, such as a funding navigator, resiliency toolkit, and solar readiness assessment.

The event had a large turnout and folks were eager to learn from previous grant projects, HUD presenters, and each other!


Community-Based Research Consultations