Journal Article: Quantifying disparities in air pollution exposures across the United States using home and work addresses

While human mobility plays a crucial role in determining ambient air pollution exposures and health risks, research to date has assessed risks on the basis of almost solely residential location. Here, we leveraged a database of ∼128–144 million workers in the United States and published ambient PM2.5 data between 2011 and 2018 to explore how incorporating information on both workplace and residential location changes our understanding of disparities in air pollution exposure. In general, we observed higher workplace exposures relative to home exposures, as well as increased exposures for nonwhite and less educated workers relative to the national average. Workplace exposure disparities were higher among racial and ethnic groups and job types than by income, education, age, and sex. Not considering workplace exposures can lead to systematic underestimations in disparities in exposure among these subpopulations. We also quantified the error in assigning workers home instead of a weighted home-and-work exposure. We observed that biases in associations between PM2.5 and health impacts by using home instead of home-and-work exposure were the highest among urban, younger populations.


Journal Article: Evaluating the Environmental Justice Dimensions of Odor in Denver, Colorado


City of Denver Community Engagement Study